What Are The Child Labor Laws In Canada
what are the child labor laws in canada
It's Time To Get On-Board The Newt Train
2012-01-28 at 12:45 pm

~Newt Gingrich, advocating for an end to child labor laws so businesses can fire union workers and replace them with cheap labor.
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Jackie and Dunlap still haven't told me what I need to know about the State Of The Union Address…Sure, I do have Bill Maher's take on it ( but that's only half the story and I need the whole story…but they have given me something else I've been waiting for, their full 100% complete support of Newt Gingrich (
Well, to be honest, Dunlap doesn't seem to be all that sold on President Newt…Which isn't surprising, considering what I've been hearing about him lately down at the seed store…but that doesn't matter, because Jackie is. He has come around, just like I did, to seeing that Newt is the first politician in a very very long time who is nearly 100% likely to do what he's promising to do if elected: Bring back slavery, starting with children.
Work versus labour. (distinction between exploitative child labor and permissible work by children): An article from: Canada and the World BackgrounderLearn more
You just can't buy honesty like that. Then there's the fact that he's trying so hard to be a Kennedy. To be fair, most politicians do a fairly good Kennedy impression, what with all the money, booze and hookers but Newt seems to do it better than the rest. Asking his second wife for an open marriage was a stroke of genius.
If he cared about minorities, the young and poor people, he would be the best Liberal since Bobby. But he doesn't. He cares about the elite and wants to remove the facelift we placed on slavery in 1865 and should we throw him out with the bathwater because of it? I, just like Jackie, say no. Let's bring honesty back to politics.
And who knows? Maybe some of the money, booze and hookers will trickle down to the slave cabins. I know Jackie isn't interested in things like that but it might be enough to get Dunlap on the Newt train. Because even rich famous YouTube super-celebrities are always looking for more. Just like the rest of us, so vote for Newt and let's be done with it already. Let's take the last train to Newtsville! What's the worst that could happen? Even if you don't like it, at least you'll know exactly where you are.
Last 5 posts by Greg

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