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Public advised against Yoko cream products
PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has advised the public against using the Jole et Beaute Daily Protecting Cream and several face cream under the brand name "Yoko" as they were found to contain mercury.
The ministry's senior director of pharmaceutical service, Datuk Eisah A. Rahman, said the affected Yoko cream are Yoko Whitening Cream Ginseng & Pearls, Yoko Whitening Cream With SPF-15, Yoko Yogurt Milk Whitening Cream, Yoko Beauteen Sunflower Whitening Cream, Yoko Freckle Cream, Yoko Whitening Cream and Yoko Whitening Extract.
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She said usage of the product could be hazardous effect due to the mercury content.
"Continuous exposure to the mercury can cause damage to the brain, nerve system and kidney. It can also cause rashes, irritation and other changes to the skin," she said in a statement issued here Tuesday.
Eisah advised those who still have the supply of the products to cease distributing, selling and using them immediately.
She said traders found in possession of the products could be charged under the Control of Drugs and Cosmetic Regulations 1984.
For further enquiries, the public can contact the National Pharmaceutical Control Bureau at 03-7883 5532/5534/8495 or e-mail to kosmetik.

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