
ボレロ』(仏: Boléro )は、フランスの作曲家モーリス・ラヴェルが1928年に作曲したバレエ音楽。同一のリズムが保持されるなかで2種類のメロディーが繰り返されるという特徴的な構成を有しており、現代でもバレエの世界に留まらず広く愛される音楽の一つである。

[編集] 作曲の経緯



初演は1928年11月22日にパリ・オペラ座において、ワルテル・ストララム(Walther Straram)の指揮、イダ・ルビンシュタインのバレエ団(振付:ブロニスラヴァ・ニジンスカ)によって行なわれた[1]。翌年、イダ・ルビンシュタインが持っていた演奏会場における1年間の独占権がなくなると、『ボレロ』は各地のオーケストラによって取り上げられる人気曲となり、世界の一流オーケストラが『ボレロ』の演奏を拒否するだろうと考えていたラヴェルをおおいに驚かせた[1]。1930年1月にラヴェルはコンセール・ラムルーを指揮し、同曲の録音を行った。

日本初演は、1931年1月28日に日本青年館にて、ニコライ・シフェルブラット(Nicolai Schiferblatt)と新交響楽団(NHK交響楽団の前身)により行われた。

[編集] あらすじ



National Park Service Visitor Center
401 West Hillcrest Dr. Thousand Oaks 91360

@Arroyo Sequit
34138 Mulholland Hwy, Malibu 90265

ACheeseboro / Palo Comado Canyon
5792 Chesebro Rd. Agoura 91301





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【食文化】「日本のラーメン」がアジアで本格フィーバー [03/05]

1:ライトスタッフ◎φ ★:2012/03/05(月) 17:55:45.16 ID:???






4:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 17:57:31.83 ID:K+70p25B

7:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 17:59:22.90 ID:Yjkh+y2U

103:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 19:55:19.15 ID:V4F63qHU
> なんでみんな腕組んでるの?


135:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 20:52:47.99 ID:BO2esVfN

10:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:00:07.75 ID:6TJlsGvZ

13:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:04:12.47 ID:SYW09PQo
8(・ω・)8 なんで今更ラーメンが世界で流行るんだ

14:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:05:06.15 ID:wUrVgb9p

15:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:06:34.92 ID:tgxyCjoG

16:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:06:45.23 ID:WJx1rwxx

19:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:08:23.04 ID:esy7atTl

22:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:09:23.09 ID:720hDslk

25:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:10:40.44 ID:EYf4vJ3U

26:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:14:46.75 ID:wTUIw3qP

33:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:19:23.66 ID:KRpbpUjc

35:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:22:24.36 ID:iakhVRb7

50:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:36:36.59 ID:9ZmTewop

56:名刺は切らしておりまして:2012/03/05(月) 18:40:31.70 ID:iakhVRb7


こんばんは。(^^) ひらいようこです。ご無沙汰です。








昔なら孫の顔を見る50代には あの世からのお迎えがやってきました。






★ 日本にはこれといった通過儀礼がないことも、思春期の若者の


★ 通過儀礼は、それを終えた若者の精神の安定に貢献するようです。




はるさんからのメール ここから 







はるさんからのメール ここまで 











自分の母親を これから自分が後を追ってなぞっていくモデル、


※ 大人になりたくないとか、やせているのに憧れてはじめる








 いまではコワイからというよりは、薄暗がりを見つけると、目を凝らしてしまうから暗闇を作る……暗闇にはなにが潜んでいるかわからないので目をそらして逃げる、という幼き日の反応こそ動物としては正常なのであって、大人になって臆病さをなくしてしまうから、ヒトはやっかいな問題を抱え込むのだともいえる。たそがれ時は「誰ぞ彼」と首をかしげる思いから名付けられた逢魔が刻だそうだが、薄暗がりのなかで誰なんだ彼は顔が見えないなあ、なんてときにはその顔を覗き込むのではなく、目をそらして足早にすれ違うべきなのである。見えなければいないも同じ。薄明るいからあれはだれかしらんと思って想像がふくらむのであって、真� ��暗闇ならば好奇心もへったくれもない。




ダウンロードはどのようグリンチはクリスマスのサウンドトラックã‚'ç›—ã‚"でいきました [Filesonic]

グリンチ ( どのようにグリンチは、クリスマスã‚'ç›—ã‚"でいきました ) ç±³ã‚'アメリカのは、 – 今年から、ロンハワードによるドイツのファンタジーコメディ 2000 . プロットが小説に基づいている " グリンチはクリスマスがどのようにして盗ã‚"だ "テオドールスースガイゼルので 1957. タイトルの役割は、ジムキャリーで再ç"Ÿã•ã‚Œã¾ã™ .

グリンチは山の洞窟に住ã‚"でいるç·'の皮膚とç"Ÿãç‰©ã§ã‚ã‚‹. それは可能性がありますクリスマスの悪い子供の頃の経é¨"のためにしないで. それは彼がè¿'隣のæ'Whovilleの住æ°'のプレゼントサンタクロースã‚'装って盗むのだ.


Books Books


The Art of Pocahontas(HYPERIONА)


Colors of the Wind(HYPERIONА)


Diney's Pocahontas(RUNNING PRESSА)


How to Draw Pocahontas(Walter FosterА)






――約9ヶ月ぶりのリリースですが、決まった時はどのような心境でしたか? 【板野】 うれしかったです!どんな曲なんだろうというのが一番気になりました。カッコいい曲なのかバラードなのか、かわいい曲なのか。次はどんな曲と出会えるんだろうとわくわくしました。

――聴いてみてどう思われましたか? 【板野】 「Dear J」はカッコいい感じの曲。「ふいに」は切ない側面もあり、かわいい側面もありという感じ。今回の曲はそんなにバラードバラードしていないのですが、本当に切ない感じで、ここまで切ない曲は初めてだなと思いました。今はナキウタとかも流行っていると思いますが、女の子は特に歌詞の部分に共感できると思うので、自分自身と照らし合わせて聴いてくれるといいなと思います。



Sascha's Twitter

bodum Travel Mug




Sascha's Twitter

今日は すみだトリフォニーホールで行われた



しかし、これまで世界各国の高層建築物に命綱なしで登ってきた、「フランスのスパイダーマン」だったら、どうだろうか。あるいは、許可なし、予告なしで登 ることも多いため、ときに警察に捕らえられることもある、文字通り、「世界中を騒がせてきた男」だったら、どうだろうか。きっと多くの人が、VTRや写真 で一度は目にしたことがあるに違いない。身もすくむような高層ビルの壁面を、自らの手と足だけを駆使してよじ登っていく彼の姿を。




01ステイン・アライヴ (ビー・ジーズ)

02愛はきらめきの中に (ビー・ジーズ)

03恋のナイト・フィーヴァー (ビー・ジーズ)

04モア・ザン・ア・ウーマン (ビー・ジーズ)

05アイ・キャント・ハヴ・ユー (イヴォンヌ・エリマン)


コムズ委託HP・リンク・格安・販売・ISDN・ADSL、光ファイバー、専用線、中古・ビジネスホン、各種ブロードバンド、メタルプラス、IP電話、インターネット接続、 電話加入権、加入権不要のレンタル携帯電話販売のコムズです。 ADSL・光ファイバー接続・メタルプラス・電話加入権・ビジネスホン等を扱っています! - コムズミニショップADSL・光ファイバー(FTTH)などブロードバンドの導入はおまかせ!コムズブロードバンドミニショップコムズ ブロードバンドミニショップ<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http:¥¥www.comzz.co.jp¥staff¥login¥include¥img¥bbshop2¥style.




@"RED MARS"@Kim Stanley Robinson@1993










・水上ヴィラ、スーペリア、デラックス【Overwater Villa、Superior、Deluxe】
 1ベッドルーム / 広さ:144屐 3つのヴィラは場所(景観)の違いです。 
・水上ヴィラプレミア【Premier Overwater Villa】
 1ベッドルーム / 広さ:171
・水上ヴィラロイヤル【Royal Overwater Villa】
 2ベッドルーム / 広さ:321

・プールビーチヴィラ【Pool Beach Villa】
 1ベッドルーム / 広さ:147
・プライベート オーシャンフロント【Private Oceanfront Pool Villa】
 1ベッドルーム / 広さ:251
・ロイヤル オーシャンフロント【Royal Oceanfront Pool Villa】
 2ベッドルーム / 広さ:265
・ロイヤルエステート【The Royal Estate】
 3ベッドルーム / 広さ:1208


今年一番の大ヒットに!Dr.スース原作の新作アニメ映画『ロラックス』が驚異的な数字でトップ! -3月5日版


「日本公開はちょっと先だが、10月公開だぜ!」 -映画『ロラックス(仮題)』より - (C) 2012 Universal Studios. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


【関連写真】日本でも公開されたDr.スース原作の映画『ホートン ふしぎな世界のダレダーレ』写真ギャラリー



 代わって今週第2位は、こちらも新作初登場『プロジェクト X(原題) / Project X』で2,105万ドル(約16億8,400万円)。ハリウッドで近年はやりの見つかった映像が基に展開されるドキュメンタリー調の作品で、この映画がほかの類似作と唯一違う点はホラーではなくてコメディー映画であるという点。観客層は58パーセントが男性、67パーセントが25歳以下であったとの統計が出ている。また今週第3位は、先週のトップから44.5パーセント興収ダウンの映画『アクト・オブ・バラー(原題) / Act of Valor』で1,357万ドル(約10億8,560万円)。

 第4位は先週から同ランクで持ちこたえて粘りを見せているデンゼル・ワシントン主演映画『セーフ・ハウス(原題) / Safe House』で739万ドル(約5億9,120万円)。第5位は、3ランクダウンで映画『グッド・ディーズ(原題) / Good Deeds』の705万ドル(約5億6,400万円)という結果となった。先週日曜日、アカデミー賞で最高の栄誉にあたる作品賞を獲得した映画『アーティスト』の動きが気になるところだが、 先週まで966館だった上映館数が1,756館に増え、今週は2ランクアップした第11位で363ドル(約2億9,040万円)の収益を収めた。順位が一気に跳ね上がるタイプの映画ではないが、これから長期にわたりジリジリと売り上げを伸ばしていく可能性は十分残っている。

 次回のランキング予想だが必ず上位に食い込んできそうなのは、ディズニー期待の実写大作映画『ジョン・カーター』。ジョージ・ルーカスやジェームズ・キャメロンも影響を受けたといわれるアメリカの作家エドガー・ライス・バローズのSF小説「火星」シリーズの「火星のプリンセス」を映画化したものである。ホラー映画『サイレント・ハウス(原題) / Silent House』、エディ・マーフィ主演のコメディー映画『ア・サウザンド・ワーズ(原題) / A Thousand Words』もトップ5を狙っている映画だ。しかし、大型ロードショーとなる『ジョン・カーター』に勝てるかどうかは疑問である。(文・ロス取材:明美・トスト/Akemi Tosto)

アカデミー賞にだって負けない!去年同時期より総合興収がアップし、ナンバーワンは『アクト・オブ・バラー』! -2月27日版【全米ボックスオフィス考】
デンゼルの底力!最新作『セーフ・ハウス』が第2位からトップへジャンプ! -2月20日版【全米ボックスオフィス考】
今週は大入りホクホクの映画業界!トップにはチャニング・テイタム最新作が君臨! -2月13日版【全米ボックスオフィス考】
スーパーボウル・サンデー、全米映画の勝者は3人の無名俳優が主演を務めたSF映画『クロニクル』! -2月6日版【全米ボックスオフィス考】
今年60歳のリーアム・ニーソンのアクション・アドベンチャー映画『ザ・グレイ』が全米ナンバーワン! -1月30日版【全米ボックスオフィス考】














今後どこまで売り上げを伸ばせるか注目です! -映画『ハンガー・ゲーム』より - (C) 2012 LIONS GATE FILMS INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.




"我々は多くのルレで宿泊しているが、これは美しいところです。フード絶妙な、スタッフは素晴らしい。ありがとう - "











 紀元前� ��0年、スポレートは自治都市となった。現在も、ローマ劇場、劇場、古いアクロポリスの城壁などに、ローマ時代の名残が見られる。





Clint Eastwood
本名 Clinton Eastwood Jr.
生年月日 1930年5月31日(81歳)
出生地 アメリカ・カリフォルニア州
民族 ヨーロッパ系白人
ジャンル 映画(俳優、監督、製作、音楽)
活動期間 1954年-
活動内容 1954年:初出演
配偶者 Dina Eastwood(旧姓Luis)

クリント・イーストウッド・ジュニアClint Eastwood、本名:Clinton Eastwood, Jr.、1930年5月31日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州、サンフランシスコ出身の映画俳優、映画監督、映画プロデューサー、作曲家、政治活動家。公称身長188 cm。



  • 1 履歴
    • 1.1 生い立ちと初出演後の不遇
    • 1.2 TVシリーズ『ローハイド』、そして2人の師との出逢い
    • 1.3 監督業の成功
    • 1.4 今後の俳優活動について
    • 1.5 政治経歴
    • 1.6 受勲
  • 2 私生活、その他
  • 3 主な出演、監督、製作作品
  • 4 受賞
  • 5 参考資料
    • 5.1 インタビュー・伝記
  • 6 出典
  • 7 関連する人物
  • 8 日本語吹き替え

[編集] 生い立ちと初出演後の不遇



[編集] TVシリーズ『ローハイド』、そして2人の師との出逢い

1959年からCBSで放映されたテレビ西部劇『ローハイド』で、ロディというカウボーイを演じる。ロディとは名前ではなくニックネームで、ROWDYつまり"荒くれ者"。同作品は約7年間に亘り150話近く製作された人気シリーズとなり、イーストウッドの知名度と人気は世界的に高まった。1964年にはセルジオ・レオーネ監督にイタリアに招かれ、マカロニ・ウェスタンの嚆矢でありかつそれを代表する作品となった『荒野の用心棒』に出演。その後も『ローハイド』の撮影の合間を縫って『夕陽のガンマン』、『続・夕陽のガンマン/地獄の決斗』と都合3作のレオーネ作品に出演した。イーストウッドはレオーネを師と仰ぎ、レオーネの逝去まで交友を続けた。これらの映画の人気により、イーストウッドの映画俳優としての評価はヨーロッパが 先行し、アメリカに逆輸入された形となった。



出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 Source: [Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Wikipedia) 』

アメリカ映画協会 (アメリカン・フィルム・インスティチュート、American Film Institute, AFI )は、 アメリカ合衆国における「映画芸術の遺産を保護し前進させること」を目的とする機関。 Motion Picture Association of America (American Film Institute, American Film Institute, AFI), the United States in "to make progress to protect the heritage of the art film" for the purpose institution. 1967年に設立され、主にアメリカ芸術基金から資金を得ている(それに加え、映画テレビ産業からも資金援助を得ている)。 Founded in 1967, is funded primarily from the United States Endowment for the Arts (in addition to that received funding from film and television industry.)



スーザン・コリンズ(Suzanne Collins)の大ベストセラー小説『The Hunger Games』の待望の映画化で、劇場公開前から大きく話題を呼んでいたスペクタクル近未来バトル・ロワイアル映画『ハンガー・ゲーム』(原題:The Hunger Games)が先週23日(金)にいよいよ北米で劇場公開され、映画『トワイライト』シリーズよりも上回る劇場数で公開された同映画興行成績は約1億5,500万ドル(※約127億8,750万円)を突破。




フリーメイソンが世界を支配するというのは、終わった話だ。フリーメイソンの根拠地、欧米が崩壊しつつあるからだ。これからは、フリーメイソンを日本が指導し、日本型の「自由・平等・博愛」を世界に広める時代である。 その方法はcoexist共存。

フリーメイソンの都市伝説 千円札と1ドル札にリンクしている頁

  1. ルシファーの目
  2. 鳩山由紀夫の謎の行動三角形に人差し指は何のサイン?Yahoo!知恵袋
  3. 日本は世界
    陰謀に満ち溢れていることに気付いた男性です。日本の地形って、世界に似ているんですね。四国の形がオーストラリアに似ているとは思っていましたが、九州はアフリカ、本州はアジア、北海道は北アメリカ、樺太が南アメリカに相当するようです。都市伝説がたくさん載ってますので、お暇な方はどうぞ。 ・千円札とフリーメイソン ・かごめかごめの意味 ・イルミナティの目


  1. フリーメイソン日本支部のサイトには、富士山の絵とフリーメイソンのマークのコンパスと定規が描かれています。コンパスと富士山が、千円札野口英世の目と同じ構図になっています。
    グランド ロッジ日本フリーメイソンGrand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons, Japanで見れます。
    同時多発テロ 911テロで、アメリカン航空11便がツインタワー北棟に突入した2001年9月11日8時46分=2001911846=11×11×11×752033×2で、 11で3回割れますが、フリーメイソンFree masonが9文字で、Free masonryが11文字だというのは、単なる偶然です。
  2. ワシントンのフリーメイソンのマーク
    アメリカの首都ワシントンには、フリーメイソンのマークがあります。 長さ2kmの地上絵です。グーグルマップで見る事ができます。
    ワシントンのフリーメイソンのコンパス エリア51の地上絵
  3. フリーメイソンシンボルマークの定規には11の目盛りがあります。アメリカ財務省のマークの天秤の下には13個の星があります。
  4. 右の画像はアメリカのエリア51にある1辺1000mの三角形の地上絵。三角形をピラミッド、同心円を目と思えば、1ドル札のピラミッドと関係があるのかもしれません。
  5. 1ドル札には、「アメリカのシンボルはピラミッドだ」という事が文字(英語)で書かれています。1ドル札のピラミッドの目
  6. 1ドル=120円(07年7月)から1ドル=108円(08/1/5)に1割のドル安。 日本政府は100兆円のアメリカ国債を持っていると言われています。この半年で10兆円が吹っ飛んだのです。1ドル100円割れの可能性も出てきました。1ドルいくら
  7. アメリカの連邦準備銀行と日本銀行。千円札 1ドル札を発行する組織
  8. ハローバイバイ関の都市伝説には、千円札1000円札の富士山がシナイ山に似ていると書かれていますが、それは違います。 旧五千円札の富士山も原画は「湖畔の春」です。シナイ山アララト山・旧五千円札
  9. 千円札野口英世、千円札の透かしの野口英世の原画は野口英世記念館が所蔵している写真です。
  10. ハローバイバイ関の都市伝説で、1ドル札や千円札20ドル札の折り方について、放送されたみたいです。5月16日(水) 都市伝説 1ドル札 20ドル札 千円札
  11. 千円札、五千円札、1万円札の肖像画は、昭和38年までは全て聖徳太子だった。 千円札、五千円札、1万円札の肖像画は聖徳太子
  12. かごめかごめの歌詞を六文字ずつ区切ると、「目の威圧す」という、1ドル札のピラミッドの目を暗示する暗号が浮かび上がります。
  13. 20ドル札を折るとWTC世界貿易センター ビル崩壊の9.11テロの画像が出るらしいですね。 10ドル札を折っても、ツインタワービルWTCの911テロの画像が出るらしいです。





1.ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝 (PART2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2)

2.トランスフォーマー/ダークサイド・ムーン (Transformers: Dark of the Moon )











Why Did I Get married Too CAM XViD-nDn


Gathered together in the Bahamas for their annual one-week reunion, four close couples eagerly reconnect, sharing news about their lives and relationships. But their intimate week in paradise is disrupted by the unexpected arrival of Sheila?s ex-husband, Mike, who hopes to break up her new marriage with Troy and win her back. The others soon realize they too are not immune to the challenges of commitment and fidelity. Angela doesn?t believe her husband, Marcus, can be faithful now that he?s a celebrity television newscaster.


【カンヌ・グランプリの河瀬監督、インディペンデント映画普及に奮闘(AFP BB NEWS 6/13】



NHKクローズアップ現代で、「永遠の映画少年 スピルバーグ ~創造の秘密を語る~」という番組が22日に放送された。この番組には、未知へのあこがれを隠さない監督の純粋な姿があった。


総興行収入世界一、各国の監督賞、作品賞に輝き、40年に渡ってハリウッドの頂点を走り続けるヒットメーカー、スティーブン・スピルバーグ監督。監督、プロデュースした作品はこれまで130本以上、この1年でも3本の監督作を手がけるなど、他の監督とは一線を画す、ずばぬけたエネルギーで映画界を牽引している。最新作「戦火の馬」は、来週に迫ったアカデミー賞で6部門にノミネートされるなど、65歳となった今なお、その創造と才能は留まるところを知らない。子どもに夢を与えるファンタジー、リアリズムを追求した戦争映画、冒険活劇、社会派の問題作・・・国境を越え、ジャンルを超え、縦横無尽に映画を生み出すパワーの源泉はどこにあるのか。新たな境地に挑み続ける好奇心はどこから来るのか。国谷キ� ��スターが、映画の聖地ロサンゼルス・ハリウッドで、単独インタビュー。スピルバーグ監督の才能と創造の秘密に迫る。



国谷裕子キャスター 映画作りの聖地と言われている、ここはハリウッドです。ご覧のように、今夜も監督や主演俳優などが登場する新作映画の先行試写会が華やかに行われています。

ナレーション(NA) ハリウッドの帝王と呼ばれる、スティーブン・スピルバーグ。総興行収入は世界一、今も映画界のトップを走り続けています。


国谷 ハリウッドで製作される映画は、この10年間、年間500本から、600本に上っています。そのハリウッドでこの40年間、監督・プロデューサーとして、トップを走り続けているのが、65歳になるスティーブン・スピルバーグ監督です。この1年でも3本の監督作品を手掛けるなど、映画作りに向けた情熱は、まったく衰えを見せていません。映画作りに向けた原動力はなんなのか、そしてインターネット時代を迎え、ハリウッド、そして映画産業はどうなっていくのか、スピルバーグ監督に聞きました。

<対談>(字幕)今月9日 ロサンゼルス

国谷 グッドモーニング。

スピルバーグ コンニチハ。

国谷 今日はご協力ありがとうございます。

スピルバーグ お会いできてうれしいです。(スタッフに)みなさん、準備はいいですか。

国谷 インタビューに応じていただき、ありがとうございます。

スピルバーグ 私は物語を作るのが大好きなのです。それ以上、言いようがありません。


you are an obsession

The Champagne Diet's Ten Commandments of Being Fabulous

Learn it. Love it. Live it.

I. Thou shalt be aware of thy best asset and work it like the rent is due tomorrow.

II. Thou shalt never leave the house looking like a hot mess. At the very least – apply a  little lip gloss. You can spare 35 seconds.

III. Thou shalt not compare thy self to others. You are a diva in your own right.

IV. Thou shalt find thy passion and make it a part of your everyday life.


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Laptop configuration – Recognition of the specifications!

Article by rick45


never experienced a situation where you are away for almost any laptop, and when you finally discover a selection of configurations of laptops with screen, it is possible you do not know what to provide them? Do not worry, in this guide, I will surely reveal many simple things that could help explain these specifications frightening many simpler.First First, you have to wonder what the use of your laptop will soon go up. Is it a laptop everyday use, used to record wallpapers and taking them to investigate net … something like a notepad students would need? Would you like this machine company where you get your sensitive information, including customer names and information? Maybe you love online games online computer a lot and buy a laptop configured your can buy these new high difficult games. Or, maybe you're planning to have a new theme and portable media device to meet your daily multimedia hopes.Each more of these types of laptops has different specs for a mini, but since you will use the mine that the deterministic concept car, here are some basic steps to various specifications recognize this work and where they might be processing products especially needed.Central (ak a kind of. at least one active CPU. processor) Can be the specification most important about all of his laptop is inside COMPUTER. It's the heart inside a laptop where most calculations are running. There are different processors out there, in almost every budget, so you can make. If you want to be new hardware, you should look for something to take 2 to 3 GHz in a laptop if it goes for every day to use (basic office responsibilities, including Microsoft Office Suite, browsing the observation web, online videos, or even chat with friends). A wonderful single CPU core could probably manage the tasks of basic research perfectly. However, if you want to multitask, and to open several applications to work with, then a single core processor can not possibly manage this volume accordingly. Instead, look for individuals who often say they are dual core laptops or quad-core configuration simply. A laptop with at least a quad-core configuration is quite high in terms of price tag, so make sure you understand the use of your mobile processor lines beforehand.

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Lost, Again - NYTimes.com

Disunion follows the Civil War as it unfolded.

On Feb. 7, 1862, United States soldiers poured from surf boats onto Roanoke Island off of North Carolina's eastern shore. Almost three hundred years earlier, Sir Walter Raleigh had dispatched colonists to that same island to establish a famously ill-fated settlement. With the Civil War, Roanoke would once again be home to a lost colony.

For months the Union Navy had been carving its way down the coast, taking control of islands off North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia. Those victories slowed but did not stop the Confederate's access to supplies. In the vast Outer Banks of North Carolina, small boats could slip past the barrier islands and dart across the shallow sound behind them, bringing goods to Carolina towns like Newbern, Edenton and Elizabeth City, and, through backdoor canals, to Norfolk, Va. Roanoke, spanning about 10 miles in the center of the sound, controlled the inner waterways, the flow of Confederate supplies and, therefore, the river towns themselves.

Both the United States and the Confederacy understood the island's importance. Under Henry G. Wise, a former Virginia governor, the Confederates had gathered about 3,000 troops there, sank ships nearby as barricades and girded themselves for attack. The United States' combined operations, led by Gen. Ambrose Burnside, commandeered ferry boats to carry a specially selected 13,000-man expeditionary force from Annapolis, Md. in early January. Beset by storms, seasickness and a perilous crossing through shallow channels, the fleet did not reach Roanoke Island until Feb. 6, nearly a month later.

Despite the United States' overwhelming numerical superiority, the island could not be easily captured. Its eastern side was too shallow to approach, the western too well-guarded by Confederate batteries. A runaway slave, a teenager named Tom, provided United States officers with a plan. South of the Confederate forts, he told them, was a farm with a protected harbor. They could land there with relative ease, then make their way up the island.

Covered by an intense bombardment of the Confederate forts, more than 10,000 soldiers landed on the beach on Feb. 7. During a "wearisome and disagreeable" night, the soldiers camped and pondered the next day's battle.


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pc01 Should a Christian celebrate Halloween? - Tracts by Missionary-Pastor David Cox (Mexico City)

Should a Christian celebrate Halloween  (Day of the Dead)?
by David Cox
[PC01] v1 ©2005 www.coxtracts.com
This tract can be freely photocopied and reproduced


"Halloween was originally a festival of fire, dead, and the powers of darkness" – Encyclopedia of Man, Myth, and Magic" by Richard Cavendish

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6

If Halloween is concentrated in concepts dealing with darkness, and we promote it to our children, participating in something that is highly connected with the forces of evil, don't we fall under the condemnation of Matthew 18:6, causing them to trip up in their spiritual life by our foolishness? Halloween is no innocent entertainment, but has customs and roots in Satanism and pagan religions.

Satanic Roots of Halloween

Various pagan religions celebrate October 31 inhonor of the dead, and try to communicate with them (by having a meal and offering for them). Halloween comes from "The Hallowed Eve" or the holy night, which is the night before All Saint's Day, a Catholic Festival for their dead saints. The Catholics got it from the celebration of Samhain of the Celtics. According to them, the barrier between the world of the dead and the living is at its thinnest on the night of October 31st. Because of this belief, they think that the spirits and demons can cross over to our world this night. They would come supposedly to visit the houses of their family and friends, and their "visit" would be in most cases to do them harm. If the people in that house would offer them candy and food ("treats") outside the house, these spirits and demons would pass on without doing them harms, "no tricks." If they would not offer them anything, they would do their "tricks" on them, usually something disagreeable. From this Celtic-Druid belief we got the concept of "Trick or Treat."

In Mexico, the Day of the Dead came from this same belief through the Catholic Church that the spirits of dead family would return to the world of the living to do harm. Then everyone would offer food and flowers to protect themselves from these phantoms (spirits of a dead human beings), and demons mixed in with them. We should clarify that in many of these traditions, the concept was those people who had recently died within the previous 12 months. But the tradition of offering food and flowers at the graves of the dead or in our homes is the same, an unbiblical belief, without scriptural support, just paganism, occultism.


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Get melted crayon out of clothes

First of all...let me say that if you are searching out this topic because you have a similar problem...I am sorry.  Very sorry.

Now...where to begin. 

Well...if you recall, last week I was having a peaceful, stress-less morning until I opened up the dryer and found black crayon melted all over an entire extra large load of laundry (see Help!  I need you....Crayon vs Dryer).  JUST GREAT!

A part of me...a very LARGE part of me...wanted to just condemn the clothing and chuck 'em.  But...unfortunately, the more logical and frugal side of me won out.  I decided to try and clean them.  (Boo!)

It's not like I have all the time and money in the world.  I needed something quick and cheap but also wanted to give you, my readers, a true test of options.  So with that in mind, I tried a few different methods (adapted from Crayola.com,  this blog, and my own intellect), modifying them as I saw fit, and am here to give you my recommendations/solutions.

 For cleaning the dryer drum-


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Discover How To Stop Panic Attacks Naturally

The exact causes of panic attacks are not really clear, but some links have been made to it running in families, phobias especially agoraphobia the fear of public places, major transitions in your life like getting married, getting a new job and having a baby, and of course there is stress.

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[WTS] Music Search Engine Script ! Demo Added

Selling a MP3 Search Engine Script Music Search Engine sites make a lot of money if ran correctly and i had one made specifically for me but am currently in the need of money so i am selling 5 copies of it for ONLY 5 DOLLARS! Few Specs about the Engine: Simple Design Is better than most scripts out there like beemp3 Works with adhitz or any of network Isnt illegal Because i feel like a lot would ask if this is illegal ill answer it now, it isnt.This scripts searches 4shared.com for its results so don't worry its safe. If You have any questions at all don't hesitate to PM me or post here. Demo : http://mixquo.


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Public advised against Yoko cream products

PUTRAJAYA: The Health Ministry has advised the public against using the Jole et Beaute Daily Protecting Cream and several face cream under the brand name "Yoko" as they were found to contain mercury.

The ministry's senior director of pharmaceutical service, Datuk Eisah A. Rahman, said the affected Yoko cream are Yoko Whitening Cream Ginseng & Pearls, Yoko Whitening Cream With SPF-15, Yoko Yogurt Milk Whitening Cream, Yoko Beauteen Sunflower Whitening Cream, Yoko Freckle Cream, Yoko Whitening Cream and Yoko Whitening Extract.

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Players Who Could Be Released from AFC North

Yesterday I covered the AFC West and possible players that could find themselves being released when the off-season starts.

Today I am going to take a gander at the AFC North, a division that had three playoff teams in 2011. There are going to be many changes that take place in this division when the off-season starts. For example, the Pittsburgh Steelers find themselves in an unfriendly salary cap situation for the first time in recent memory. So, they are going to have to cut some beef from their 53 man roster. The same may ring true for other teams in this ultra-competitive division.

So lets take a look.


Baltimore Ravens

WR- Lee Evans: $6.3 million

This really has nothing to do with his dropped pass in the AFC Championship Game. Rather, it is all about performance and salary. I understand that it is a lot to ask a receiver to have a major contribution following a late preseason trade, with no off-season. Most receivers would struggle in that scenario.

However, Evans took struggling to a whole new level. He caught a total of four passes in nine games with the Ravens in 2011. That really isn't going to cut it with the salary he is going to make in 2012. Baltimore also has Torrey Smith, who stepped up big time as a rookie, entrenched as their No. 2 receiver behind Anquan Boldin.

CB- Domonique Foxworth: $8.3 million

While it could be said that the possible release of Lee Evans is as much a performance issues as it is a salary cap issue, the same does not ring true for this veteran corner. Foxworth has been an extremely valuable corner, when healthy. The problem is that he wasn't able to stay on the field in 2011.

Baltimore has a deep core of young corners, which makes Foxworth expendable. The likes of Cary Williams, Lardarius Webb and Jimmy Smith have all jumped him on their depth chart. Foxworth is also set to count over $8 million against the cap. This really is a no brainer.

OT- Bryant McKinnie: $4.0 million


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Does Pain Have A Purpose?

First off, Id just like to say that this is my first blog post ever! For those of you who know me, you know that Im not a big fan of making public statements about, well, most things which is why until now Ive avoided such things as blogs. For those of you who REALLY know me, you know that there are certain topics that I could talk about forever and for THAT reason, Im excited to take this opportunity to discuss one of my favorite things: pain. Now before anyone starts to worry that Im a masochist, let me explain myself.

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The CEO Series: An Interview With Matt Warta of GutCheck

As part of my ongoing series of interviews with the leaders that are shaping the future of market research, today I'm happy to give you a discussion I recently had with Matt Warta, CEO of GutCheck.

You might recall when GutCheck appeared on the MR scene in late 2010 with an announcement of initial funding of $2M. Many folks were shocked that the dreaded DIY model was being deployed within a qualitative research context, but others saw it as the logical extension of a highly successful business trend. As clients push for "cheaper, faster, better" solutions to fuel their insights needs enterprising and tech savvy entrepreneurs are going to heed the call. Matt and the team at GutCheck is an example of that.

For those not familiar with the company here is a synopsis from TechCrunch:

GutCheck is a new category of online market research that enables businesses and agencies to gain quick and simple feedback, directly, from target customers using IM functionality to perform interviews.

GutCheck, an online DIY tool, simply and quickly facilitates a one-to-one dialogue between a business and target customer. Target customers are found by using the GutCheck Recruitment Engine to choose the appropriate target demographic and offers the ability to further screen for a target customer through asking custom questions. The interview allows businesses to interview and ask their questions to learn how their target customers will respond to- new messaging, pricing changes, advertising concepts, updating packaging, product enhancements, gain feedback on product use or competitor product use – and many other business critical needs.

After all, who doesn't want more direct feedback from their target customer?

One of the more exciting aspects of the GutCheck story is the fact that Matt, a VC and serial entrepreneur, was involved at all. I think it's a great sign that someone with his background would choose to pursue a research offering and it speaks highly of the opportunities that exist within our space over the coming years. Many traditionalists may not like the model, but I think anything that helps attract investment dollars and drives innovation in research is a good thing.

I found Matt to be a great subject and his comments were highly insightful. I think you'll enjoy them too.

LFM: Thanks for chatting with me Matt! GutCheck made quite the splash upon your launch, with many MR professionals reacting to the concept of "DIY" qual as a sign of the apocalypse. That appears to have quieted down a bit and folks are beginning to embrace the efficiencies that technology can bring to the research process, even qualitative research. Has that been your experience?


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Pokémon Facts - PokéMemes

Um, Sinnoh is totally based off of the northern most island of Japan, which is called Hokkaido. The map is even just the island rotated a bit. Just look at this: http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/a/a2/Pokemonworld.png (it even shows what parts of Japan other regions are based off of)

The only region for the core games that is loosely based off of a real life location is Unova, which was inspired by America.

@Void: This ended up being really, really long, so if you (or the other people that decided to read this post) don't feel like reading it all, just jump to the two separate TL;DRs.

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B&K Mueller QuarterMaster frost-free silcock repair instructions.


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Have some css issues and changes needed on shopping cart.

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Need someone that can work right now to get this done, so you must have at least 1 hour right now to work.

I will pay $40.00 right now to have some minor css fixes done, bonus when done.

Original post by Freelancer.com - New Projects

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Heidi Ho Organics — The Healthy Voyager

Heidi Ho Organics — The Healthy Voyager<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Healthy Voyager » Feed" href="http://healthyvoyager.com/2.


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Top 5 Birthday Presents to Share with a Diligent Mother

Mommies are incredibly nurturing, understanding and patient. They make sure that their families are in great disposition in life. They always take care of the necessities of everyone in the household and on top of that, they still find the time to function at work that can help provide for the family. Now, Wonder Woman will surely get intimidated in front of a super mom like your mother - most moms. However, occasionally, it's also scary how industrious or workaholic she could possibly be. Is your mom like this? Do you feel that she is working hard that she does not have enough time to care for herself? Well, maybe it is best to do something about it. Make sure to come up presents for mom that will enable her to rest and unwind. Here are examples of birthday gift for your diligent mother:

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Semantics Matter (Reclaiming the Meaning of our Words)

Words are important.  And as we become increasing submerged in social media, instant messaging blogging, and email as primary forms of communication, the importance of words is becoming amplified.  The less we communicate face to face, or even voice to voice, the more critical it becomes to use the right words because the impact of inflection and body language are lost.

But, I feel like we are getting more careless by the day in how we use our words.  We have taken words that once had a specific and powerful meaning, and stripped them of their dignity.  I'm not suggesting heading down a path of recommending the creation of a "word police" or some revision of our free speech rights.


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Treating Kid's Dental Accidents Like Cracked or Broken Teeth

Managing children's dental injuries like cracked or broken teeth generally is a stressful event in a mom's or dad's life. Focusing on how to manage your kid's dental injury appropriately can help increase your little one's likelihood of keeping the injured tooth and will lessen the magnitude of soreness your child goes through.

Dealing with Kid's Dental Incidents: Chipped Teeth

1. Clean your kid's oral cavity with normal water.

2. Provide an ice pack or cold compress for your kid to hold over the injured teeth to help you reduce soreness and inflammation, if present.

3. Call your pediatric dentist without delay to find out if immediate treatment is necessary.

The Treatment of Children's Dental Injuries: Broken Tooth

1. Recover any broken bits of the teeth you can find.


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How far is a buzzing mosquito from your ear?


Hmm. In which case, 2 to 4 meters sounds like a LOT to me. My wild conjecture and experience puts the maximum outer bound for a mosquito to be completely inaudible at 1m away. Maybe less.

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Mission Viejo Plumbing- How To Fix Clogged Drains « Centired.com

The plumbing system is just as significant as various systems in your household. Unluckily, we appear to neglect this system until it causes us problems. It is common for a typical plumber to receive more calls asking for repairs than for regular maintenance and improvements. Although there is nothing wrong with this, it is most probably not good for your wallet. Drains are clearly significant for your tubs, showers, and other fixtures to operate properly. Here I will give you some advices to be able to fix problems once they become congested or damaged.

Clean your Drainage.


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Can Your Home's Replacement Windows Cause it to Melt? Vinyl Siding

A mysterious phenomenon seems to be plaguing homeowners-their vinyl siding is warping and buckling, or as some describe it, "melting." The Vinyl Siding Institute as well as the National Association of Home Builders both insist that the problem is not widespread. On the other hand, the complaints have attracted enough media attention lately to cause some concern-and Low-E energy-efficient windows have been taking the heat.

The charge goes something like this: because double-paned, energy-efficient windows "bow inward," the concave shape focuses the sun's rays like a magnifying glass. Temperatures, consequently, can reach over two hundred degrees Fahrenheit. When sunlight bounces off these windows, they say, vinyl siding can literally melt.

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» You Can Leave Your Hat On

Baby take off your coat
Real slow
Take off your shoes
I'll take off your shoes
Baby, take off your dress
Yes, yes, yes

You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on
You can leave your hat on

Go over there, turn on the lights
All the lights
Come back here, stand on that chair
Get up woman, that's right
Raise your arms up in the air
And now shake 'em


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Just How Much Does A Ultrasound Tech Make A Year?

Ultrasound technicians who've undergone specialized trainings such as in breast sonography have greater chances to gain an elevated ultrasound technician salary. But mostly, these technicians are specializing in those areas because they wish to be able to help individuals better and in a much accurate way. Breast sonographers are expected to adapt to the adjustments relating to the use of mammography and ultrasound technology, which extremely advantages the patients. Understanding new abilities whilst helping a whole lot of individuals is one fantastic benefit of being in the field.

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Your Questions About Pearl | Pearlfect World

admin answers:

Diatomaceous earth is a naturally occurring, soft, chalk-like sedimentary rock that is easily crumbled into a fine white to off-white powder. This powder has an abrasive feel, similar to pumice powder, and is very light, due to its high porosity. The typical chemical composition of diatomaceous earth is 86% silica, 5% sodium, 3% magnesium and 2% iron.


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Music Everyday: The Heights - How Do You Talk To An Angel, Pop rock, Ballad

Here is some pop rock (According to Wikipedia) for today.

Artist: The Heights
Song: How Do You Talk To An Angel
Album: The Heights, Music From The Television Show

This is a very good ballad from the TV series The Heights in 1992. It was composed by Steve Tyrell and Barry Coffing, and the lyrics were written by Stephanie Tyrell.

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The Greatest Historical Myths!! | Nudge-ur-Mind

If more people knew the facts, a few of the great history-makers would be recognised (anyone heard of Ub Iwerks?), some famous people would stop taking so much credit, and we would stop blaming apples for everything! Let's start with the following misconceptions…

Newton was hit by an apple

Apples continued to get bad press with the famous story that scientist Sir Isaac Newton was under a tree, minding his own business, when an apple fell on his head. Just as well it provided him the inspiration for the laws of gravity, or the poor apple would never be forgiven! But while the falling apple is a good story, it probably never happened. The story was first published in an essay by Voltaire, long after Newton's death. Before that, Newton's niece, Catherine Conduitt, was the only person who ever told the story. It was almost certainly an invention.

Walt Disney drew Mickey Mouse

One of the world's most famous fictitious characters, Mickey Mouse, is credited to Walt Disney. However, Mickey was the vision of Disney's number one animator, Ub Iwerks. Disney, never a great artist, would always have trouble drawing the character who made him famous. Fortunately for him, Iwerks was known as the fastest animator in the business. He single-handedly animated Mickey's first short film, Plane Crazy (1928), in only two weeks. (That's 700 drawings a day.) But give some credit to Disney – when sound films began later that year, he played Mickey's voice.

Marie Antoinette said "Let them each cake"

In 1766, Jean Jacques Rousseau wrote of an incident he recalled from some 25 years earlier, in which "a great princess" (name unknown) was told that the country people had no bread. "Then let them eat cake," she replied. When Rousseau wrote of this, Marie Antoinette was an 11-year-old child in Austria. The French Revolution would not begin for another 23 years. The myth that she spoke these infamous words was probably spread by revolutionary propagandists, to illustrate her cold indifference to the plight of the French people.

In the next chapter of this list, we uncover a tall tale about Napoleon, and find out how witches did NOT die, whatever you might have heard…

The Great Train Robbery was the first feature film


how to make snow experiment

An Experiment in Making Snow!

I often think about my readers that don't get snow,  so I thought they would appreciate a post on making snow!  We haven't really gotten much snow here in NE Ohio until recently and I can't imagine never really experiencing snow.  We had fun comparing our real snow to our homemade snow.  To create some snow all you need is a blender and some ice cubes!

First, pop about 16 ice cubes in your blender.

side effects are brutal so chemotherapy

All in the family -- Coping Submission #2

So I received my copy of Coping Magazine today. I am sharing the publication with Montgomery from Montgomery Gentry, cause I'm fancy like that... (he had prostate cancer recently... who knew)

In the package, there was a note from the editor asking if I would be willing to contribute again. Well you don't have to ask me twice. Not sure if they will like it, but here's what I am sending them. Keep your fingers crossed.


There is nothing worse than going through cancer treatment, except perhaps watching someone you love dearly go through it. Cancer wreaks havoc on your world, and takes your entire family on an unpredictable roller coaster ride. So what happens when you encounter both scenarios at once? Well, the answer might surprise you.


how to deflate international gnp

International Forecaster January 2012 (#8) – Gold, Silver, Economy + More

Be prepared for the next great transfer of wealth. Buy physical silver and storable food.

Posted Sunday, 29 January 2012

what does an ultrasound show

Lump does not show up on mammo or ultrasound - Cancer: Breast Message Board

Lump does not show up on ***** or ultrasound

I found a lump over a year ago. I had a mammogram and an ultrasound and according to both tests, the lump does not exist even though at that time it was a hard, 2mm mass. I haven't really checked since then until yesterday. The hard mass is still there but it's more like a half an inch in size.


how to make hidden camera

Spy Cameras – Advantages and Laws With regards to the Make use of of Spy Cams

These kind of days, spy cameras perform an part for a lot of people. Spy cams tend to be units created to get and record photos as well as video footage covertly. The unit are often tiny and they are not really quickly witnessed as well as recognized. Many producers in addition develop spy cams that look and function like ordinary family along with workplace items like tissues holders, wall timepieces, DVD players, Cd players, iPod docks, USBs, wrist watches, smoke detectors and also Identity cards. These kinds of items, any time positioned strategically in a home or even place of work can capture activities as well as keep an eye on men and women without arousing just about any suspicion.

What are the rewards of setting up concealed cameras?

what to do when you are bored on sunny day

Scribbling Pad!!!: Bored..

It was a pleasant evening, the climate, the breeze, the moon everything was serene except her because, she was bored! At first it was just her manners that showed it..  rolling her eyes upwards and twitching her lips she let out a sigh! once in a while. But when his annoyed face turned towards her, she would be silent.. not for long.. soon she started to tap her legs in the floor, creating a rhythmic annoying sound.

"I am bored.. " came her words at last, when he didn't react. "Bored of you! Bored of this unexciting life.. bored of your predictability"  She said, as she knew what he would say next.. he would slide on to her side, look her in eyes and plead her to leave him for some time.

As expected he said.."Honey, why don't you go to the hall and watch some TV or read something.. Just give me half an hour.. I will finish off this presentation and be with you.. will you?" Dragging herself dispassionately she walked towards the hall..

 "There is nothing interesting in the TV.." came her exasperated voice after sometime, which he didn't head..

"Nothing in the books too! Your collection is bad.."

"Will you just do something and leave me alone.." barked his voice, she knew that she had crossed her line, and did not want it any more.. so stayed silent..

After sometime, "Hey can I read this?" no reply from him.. "Its an old diary.. can I read it" she shouted in the high pitch..


chard and how to cook

How to Cook Chard | Burnt Carrots


As a child, I didn't eat many vegetables. If it wasn't smothered in ranch dressing (my palette was yet to understand blue cheese), it might as well been inedible. I'm sure this left me in quite the nutritional deficit, but luckily I'm making up for my losses as an adult. If I see a vegetable or fruit at the farmer's market or grocery store that I've never tried before, I'll happily find a place for it in my fridge until I figure out what to do with it.

Up until a few years ago, swiss chard fell into this bucket. (Understandably, my mother thought better than to try to conceal this bitter vegetable behind a white blob of ranch dressing.) But one day, I spotted its beautifully deep green leaves and brightly rainbow colored stems and I couldn't pass it up.

when do you need to have root canal versus filling

Avoiding the Common Misconceptions that Cost You Money in the Long Run Free Article Source

If you ask eighteen people how often they go to the dentist, chances are that several of them are going to say that they have not been there in more than a few years. This is not a very good thing, even if these people happen to not have any dental problems. The thing that you have to remember is that if you leave a dental issue unchecked, it can get much worse and require intensive surgery. This is why you should make sure to have regular dentist visits so that you can avoid having a root canal or other painful procedures.


what did dr. hwang woo suk do

shanghaixinzang.com Kwang Yul Cha M.D for Largest Stem Cell Research

Kwang Yul Cha M.D for Largest Stem Cell Research Kwang Yul Cha is a South Korean medical doctor, an internationally known fertility specialist. Kwang Yul Cha received his medical degree from Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea, and performed his postdoctoral fellowship in endocrinology and infertility at the University of Southern California. Kwang Yul Cha also served as a visiting professor at Columbia University in New York. Although 'Hwang Woo-suk's stem cell fraud scandal' shattered Korean hopes to emerge as a bioscience hub, Korea continues to strive to become the world's leading stem cell researcher. To maintain the bioscience boom, CHA Medical Group(representative: Kwang Yul Cha) is eager to expand support for science and have notched up research successes that can actually be applied to patients. Kwang Yul Cha, As a first step towards the building of the 'CHA Group Stem Cell Institute', it was agreed, on November 16, to build it at the site of the Kyunggi-do Corporation. The institute, when completed, will be the nation's largest stem cell institute, equippes with stem cell research, treatment and educational facilities. Kwang Yul Cha (representative: Kwang Yul Cha) aims build the institute in the Pangyo Techno Valley, with a floor space of 20,000 pyeong in 'Pangyo Techno Valley', 200,000 pyeong researching and development complex. And it is scheduled to open in 2010. (A pyeong is a Korean unit of measurement corresponding to 3.31 square metres) This institute will not only have research facilities, such as a stem cell institute, a sterile culture room which can make the medicines, a cord blood bank,an immunity vaccine institute, an artificial organ institute, but also has a life science graduate school and a medical graduate school to train professionals. The Stem Cell Institute will be equipped with a Lab-to-Patient System which can carry out clinical demonstrations at Bundang CHA Hospital (representative: Kwang Yul Cha) immediately from latest research. Hyung Min Chung, representative of CHA Biotech, said, "We are creating this institute to become the world's stem cell institute through a joint research with prominent centers around the world. We have plans to expand abroad with stem cell treatment technology in the field of bioscience." Hence, last year, Prof.